Writers must write: we get this itch in our fingers; our minds wander; we feel as if there is something just beyond our vision, something we keep forgetting. I have all the symptoms, and with no poem yet crawling it's way up my throat, I suppose I must blog.
Welcome to the busy blogger edition of Thursday 13 and Friday's Random ipod 10.
Clap Hands by Tom Waits New moon in Gemini
New moons are the beginnings of things - cut your hair on new moon if you want it to grow, plant in the garden, start new spells. This song always makes me drum the table and sing along. Drumming sets the spell. So does clapping 3 times.
Too Much by the Dave Matthews Band Live simply, blah blah blah
Sunday morning at my sister's house, the coffee maker wouldn't start. Let me say that again: 8am Sunday morning, the coffee maker would not start. I tried all the tricks, plugged and unplugged and replugged, and still no magic green light, no water stealing through. Exhausted by sleep interrupted and traveling, I (honestly) wept, hands over my face, elbows on the kitchen counter. "All I want is a cup of coffee!" One of my little voices said, "Yeah and as soon as you get your coffee you're gonna want something else!" - and the coffee maker turned on.
Blowin in the Wind by Bob Dylan The rains are here.
Our mountains are cool and green and afternoon thunderstorms help keep us that way. The pressure builds all day; the heat and humidity seem unbearable; then we feel that cool breeze, hear the rumble of thunder as it is tossed from one mountaintop to another. A total change - like altitude, atmosphere affects attitude.
I Wanna Be Sedated by the Ramones Walking & dancing keep me calm.
I have been leading a high-stress life lately, and it doesn't particularly suit me. Those lines in my forehead, those veins in my neck, those twinges in my chest - time to walk - must dance.
Hey Joe by Jimi Hendrix Am I still cool?
Due to a recent car accident, I have been cruising in my rental grand prix, dubbed Jezebella by me and Favorite Nephew, and - let's just say, Jezebella doesn't drive as well as my beloved Subaru Sophie B True, but she does have a helluva sound system. Zeppelin and Eminem sound equally raw, and I feel as cool as my battered purple chuck taylor keds.
Time Warp from Rocky Horror Picture Show Is Typepad psychic? (Excuse me, intuitive...)
You Can Drive My Car by the Beatles or is it itunes??????????????????
Roy Rodgers by Elton John For me, it's Bette Davis.
I love certain old movies, and movies made from favorite old books, so while hanging out at BigSis' place with cable, I got to see part of The Group, based on Mary McCarthy's novel, and Portrait of a Lady, with Nicole Kiddman. I always loved this song, and have been listening to this record by Elton John (GoodBye Yellow Brick Road) since I was in eighth grade. Of course, back then I swore I would never be so dull....
Way Over Yonder by Carole King Years from now...
I want this played at my funeral, so everyone can sing along and cry.
Time Waits by Widespread Panic Someday, there'll be nothing more to say.
I love this song - it's full of quirky metaphors and has a jamming bass line just begging me to juke. Life is the dance of the seven veils - She just keeps revealing Herself in all Her benevolent simplicity.
Here For Now by Ani Difranco Rule 1 for Life in Hell: everything's temporary.
I've realized lately how much my courage or stamina or focus depends on this idea, how much I can tolerate by telling myself it will be over soon, it's almost done. I have been turning it sideways too, by reminding myself how temporary everything really is - so - BE HERE NOW.